Holly West

Holly West
  • Aliases: Holy West
  • Born: 1980-03-19 (44 y.o)
  • Birthplace: United States , Long Beach
  • Height: 156 cm (61.4 inch)
  • Weight: 51 kg (112.5 lbs)

The actress began her career in pornography rather late, at the age of twenty-seven, and this allowed her to avoid what often haunts young girls at the start of a career, namely parties with alcohol. Already a mature girl, naturally refused all offers of this kind to her. She does not make big plans for the future. She likes to work, and she will do it while she likes it. In her career there was one break, when she left the stage, undergoing some disappointment from what she was doing. But now she chooses scenes, selects partners and this creative work helps her to keep motivation and continue shooting.

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